Safety Equipment

Angel Sense GPS Tracker
GPS Tracker - on person
Wearable GPS Tracker - lets you know where your loved one is, in case they elope or runaway

Carseat Belt Lock
Latch lock on seatbelt
Prevents child from being able to unlatch their 5 point seatbelt in carseat

Cubby Bed
Zippable Bed
Tent that surrounds bed with mesh, zipper from outside for safe sleeping of kids too big for cribs

Door Alarm
Exit door alarms
Sounds an alarm when a door is opened

Wearable harness with leash
Wearable harness that has tether to keep child or toddler close by

Wrist or Backpack Leash
Connects an adult directly with a child with a tether to prevent child from running away

Motion Sensor
Detects motion
Alarm that makes a sound when motion is detected - to help prevent wandering

Road ID Bracelet
ID Bracelet
ID Bracelet that you can put diagnosis, name, phone number, contact names on

Security Camera
Exterior/Interior Cameras
Motion activated cameras that will alert you if a person is present, or child is escaping

Security Door Handle
Coded security door handle
Prevents door from being opened without code

Security Door Lock
Upper exit door security lock
Prevents doors from being opened easily

Stop Sign Decals
Stickers for exits
Reminder to ASD person to stop when headed towards an exit

Window Alarm
Window alarm
Sounds an alarm when a window is opened

Window Lock
Window lock
Prevents window from being opened or only opens to designated amount

Wonder Wagon
Pull around wagon
Perfect for kids too big for a stroller, has seatbelts - can go outside and in the community without a tired kiddo, running off - sense of security